About Dr William Bostock.
Dr Bostock qualified as a medical doctor from the university of Liverpool in 2008. He trained in hospital and emergency medicine and has worked in the UK, New Zealand and as a ships doctor for Cunard. He retrained in General Practice in 2015, and currently works as an NHS GP in Cambridgeshire.
About Cambridge Progressive Medicine.
During his General Practice training Dr Bostock started digging deeper into the root cause of the symptoms he was treating, rather than just prescribing a pill, because the pills didn't seem to be helping.
It became clear that there was a fundamental lack of balance and wellbeing that was at the core of many of the symptoms people were experiencing, and this was ubiquitous. It was not just in individual patients, but part of our society. He soon realised it was in him too!
So he started out on a personal journey, for the first time seeing himself not as "the Doctor" but as a patient too. He started to practice what he preached, took up meditation, thought work and lifestyle medicine - stuff that he used to think was nonsense. And guess what? He felt better. A lot better!
Hopefully through working with us, you can feel better too.